Lent 2008
One of the things we encourage our community to do at cession, is to consider making a 40 day goal over the Lent period that will aid you in working toward a bigger spiritual growth goal that you have set your self for the year.
This year, my Lent goal is to abstain from overwork.
In order to try and achieve this I have set myself a goal of taking Friday afternoon (from around 4pm) till Saturday Evening bedtime as a 'Sabbath' day. I used to be really great at doing this but in past year or so, my time off has become less and less frequent and often Saturday - my one day off - ends up becoming another work day.
I'm not sure how successful I will be. I am already painfully aware of how busy my schedule looks between now and Easter Sunday, and I am appalling at ensuring I make time for myself (and for Jacob!). But, I am going to try!
(For info on making goals for Lent go to the cessioncommunity website and you will find a Lent preparation pack)