Formation Friday - Embracing Simplicity

On Friday of last week (the 4th of July), we had our 3rd Formation Friday event of the year - 'Embracing Simplicity'.

We looked at what it means for us as disciples of Christ to think about how we live out our lives in a way that is shaped by and mirrors the lifestyle of Jesus. In particular we considered the value of the discipline of 'simplicity' and the challenge inherent in many of the teachings of Jesus to radically alter our social and economic activities in response to his call to follow him.

As part of our discussion we looked at 5 different ways which we could consider simplifying both our inner life and our outward practice:





Disposable vs. Non Disposable

Below you will find 5 posts which summarise the discussion on each area. The discussion was relatively organic so some of the ideas cross over or might seem like they belong better under one category than another - I've tried to just compile things as we discussed them rather than re-organise them too much.

The ideas we compiled on Friday are just the tip of the ice berg - I would love it if we could continue the discussion we began here by continuing to pool ideas and point one another in the direction of other helpful resources. If you weren't able to be there but would like to join the discussion then please feel free to do so.

Please use the comments option at the base of each post to add further ideas to the mix.


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